Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lent III: Keeping Your Scales Balanced

It's hard to believe we're already gearing up to begin week three of our Lenten journey! For the past week I have been trying to focus on giving up a social activity and replacing it with service to an organization or individual. I had some difficulty with this one since I seemed to be so busy all the time! I kept trying to figure out how I was going to find the time to give up a social activity... wait a minute-- What exactly have I been so busy doing?

I started a mental list of everything that kept me busy for the last week and found that after time spent at work and the gym, I spent a lot of time on service to my church without many "social activities." Granted, I was in Louisville, KY, for a youth ministry conference for four days over the weekend, so my data may be skewed a bit, but even after discounting those four days I am starting to think that I may have tipped my "time-scale" too far in one direction. Just as service activities are important, so are social activities and maintaining relationships with one's friends. I think I need to work on balancing my scales.

 Here's week three:

March 7: Thy Will be Done
Focus: Giving up social media (Facebook, email, etc.) and replacing with scripture reading and devotions.

Here's to Days Just Packed with balanced scales!

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